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  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
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  • 484-322-5316
  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
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  • 484-322-5316

Does Your Skin Deserve Better?

Beautiful woman portraitYou deserve to feel great about your appearance. Because you are a living organism, you are constantly aging. Because you are human, you may feel frustrated at some of the ways your body is changing over time. We serve people just like you, adults of all ages who want to love their skin as it transitions into new phases through life stages. While we have the tools to manage aging skin and we love to use them, we also know that there are additional steps that some people may want to take to promote long-term resilience. Here, we point out a few of the most common ways that people inadvertently accelerate their cosmetic aging.


Tanning is a trend that has gone to the wayside in recent years. This has happened as multiple studies continued to point out the dangers of sunbathing and tanning bed use. Still, many people continue to accidentally damage the DNA that is involved in creating new skin cells by heading outdoors without SPF. We don’t need SPF 30 sunscreen only on those summer days we spend at the pool. We need it every day, even when there are clouds in the sky. We also don’t need sunscreen only on the face, but on all skin that will see sunlight on a given day. If you want to promote your best aging skin, wear sunscreen.


Like tanning, smoking has become less of a trend. However, it is still a habit that can be difficult to kick once you start. Bigger reasons to quit smoking or never start include protecting heart health and lung health. Smaller reasons include preventing the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin and reducing the risk of broken capillaries on the cheeks and nose.


This can be a tough pill to swallow for the person who loves their Sunday brunch mimosas or nightcap, but it must be pointed out. Alcohol consumption can wreck our skin! It does so primarily by causing dehydration. So, one tip for drinking is to first limit consumption and then to follow consumption with three times the amount of water than alcohol. For every 5 ounce drink, it takes 15 ounces of water to offset the potential for dehydration. In addition to causing dehydration, alcohol may also degrade collagen and elastin, thereby contributing to premature aging.

If you want help for your aging skin, consider how your habits may be affecting its breakdown. Then, contact us at 484-322-5316 and schedule a visit to our King of Prussia or Bryn Mawr office. We offer numerous rejuvenating services that meet a range of needs.

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