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  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
  • |
  • 484-322-5316
  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
  • |
  • 484-322-5316

Bob P., King of Prussia, PA

My wife and I would like to thank you Dr. Lee for the wonderful surgery you performed on my eyes. It was not easy to operate on me as I needed three procedures. One lower eyelid was rolling into my eye and the eyelashes were irritating my eye so bad it was red and scratchy all the time. You corrected the problem. I did not have any discoloration or swelling. I had bags under the eyes so bad we called them suit cases. I also had drooping eyelids on both eyes. Again due to no swelling or discoloration I was back to work in less then a week. Best of all I look twenty years younger, now I need to push all the ladies away from me. Again, Dr. Lee I would like to thank you.

- Bob P., King of Prussia, PA

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