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  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
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  • 484-322-5316
  • King Of Prussia, PA
    Bryn Mawr, PA
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  • 484-322-5316

Kristin S.

With the social media today and pressure to look young, some people shy away from making eye contact and showing the world their inner beauty when they don’t feel they look their best. When I turned 40 this year, my eyes began to lack that outward youthful appearance due to the many years I spent baking in the sun and, sadly, I began to feel self-conscious about the fine lines I saw forming around my eye. I also had some puffiness under my eyes that no amount of expensive eye cream could remove. And, I was a busy person who did not have the time each morning to try all the latest fads. I wanted my outward appearance to reflect the inner beauty I felt inside. For me, it was time to look into cosmetic surgery options. Through research I learned that the eyes are the most delicate and scrutinized feature of the face. I gave a great deal of thought to which doctor I would choose to regain my youthful appearance and was not going to embark on my eye surgery with just any plastic surgeon. I wanted the best and I wanted a plastic surgeon who specialized in the eyes. I was lucky enough to find Dr. John Lee in Bryn Mawr, PA. As a board-certified ophthalmologist and an official American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery trained oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. John Lee has perfected his procedures that rejuvenate and enhance facial appearance around the eyes. He has done this by performing over 1,000 eye-enhancing surgeries annually! His team of nurses and staff is highly talented a pure joy to work with and I looked forward to seeing them at my post op visits. Thank you Dr. Lee for helping me ignite that spark and recharge and regenerate the inner-child within me and for giving me back my beautiful eyes and youthful appearance. I could not be happier!

- Kristin S.

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